Due righe per augurate a tutti buone feste. Noi le passeremo come da tradizione in famiglia (Cherubini) e in mare!
Dopo qualche giorno di riposo e diversi giorni di pulizie anche il nostro angioletto si รจ ripreso dala fatiche della navigazione
Eccolo prima sofferente…
Ed ora se la gode anche lui!
Seasonal Greetings!!!
Ciao a tutti!
auguri di buone feste a tutti i presenti!
Auguroni di buone feste a tutti !!!!!!!! Non sono riusciti ( i miei tecnici ) a mettersi in contatto con voi
il giorno di natale !!!! : – (
Ci sentiremo !!!!!!!!
Buon S:Stefano e .forse non serve dirlo. DIVERTITEVI !!!!!!!!!! : -)
bello l’angioletto sorridente !!!!!!!!!!!!
baci baci baciiiiiiiiii
tentissimi auguriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii baci baci baci lissy
buon anno a Voi e al re e regina. Ciao
Tanti auguri a tutti…e che il vento vi sia sempre propizio!
Buon anno!!!! per un 2012 con il vento in poppa!!!
buon anno!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Che sia un buonissimo 2012!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Auguri auguri !!!!!!!
Baci Lissy
Dear friends, all the best in 2012!!!
dove siete? ancora nelle vergini americane?
a presto da Antigua
Enrica e Claudio
I just emailed you guys. Know it need to learn a new language. Hope everything to warm and sunny for you both…
I just realized that there is a language converter. Great know I can read all your entries. congraduations you made it. We fallowed the next day and hit big weather and mechanical failure (sail etc.) We held our course for St Maartin until the 5th day and redirected to land any land. We ended up at St John AVI as the weather became more bearable. we looked for you AVI AND BVI around Dec 8 and 9th. So glad to hear your enjoying the warmth.
I would be great to talk as I feel it would be good for my heart to hear from others who experienced the same events.
I forgot the anti spam and now have to redue this comment.
Congraduations you made it. We fallow you out of Morrehead the next day. That night we had a big time with the Western blowing throught Morrehead. We added 3 lines making 6 altogether holding the boat to the dock.. My mind continued to think of you out there —- hoping you were is quieter waters. We hit big weather. And I mean BIG. We stayed on course to St Maartin until the 5th day when Jason was so sick we were asking Coast Guard to pick us up.(no it was not your fish —- but we forgot some of it and could smell it for the last 5 days anywhere in the boat) Yes bye bye to boat
After finded out there was only a Tug boat in the area.and in these high sea they could not come along side without sinking us—– we changed headings for land I think any land. We ended up in St Johns AVI. exactly 9 days later. We made good time —– could have been in the Bahamas 1500.
I often remembered your boat and the Safety equipement and our boat with ?
I would be great to hear from you. Actually talking would be a great adventure. Travelingt the same route and so close to the time our experiences would resonate.
Can now say be there done that.
Un saluto a tutti in ritardo!! E Buon anno!