• ago 1st 2011

Nella tappa Boston Gloucester ci hanno accompagnato Sasha, Vlada, Dragana and Dejan. ecco il loro resoconto della giornata:

9:14am Sasha, Vlada, Dragana and Dejan boarding on boat.
9:43am Silvia learned how to say “good” in Serbian. Dobro? Dobro!
10:12am Carlo was trying to learn Dragana’s and Dejan’s name. He also tried to replace them with common American names (Mary and Peter). Didn’t work out.
10:44am Vlada was in charge – he was behind the wheels. Sasha did not feel well.

11:23am Silvia gave an introductory class about sailing to all of us!
11:55am Dejan took over steering wheel from Vlada. Now everyone is terrified!

12:30am Silvia learned how to say “bad” in Serbian. It is not clear if that was somehow related to Dejan’s driving.
1:30pm Gibanica (cheese pie) and grapefruit salad are served! Tutti a tavola a mangiare!
2:22pm Sivia and Carlo are behind the wheels again. Big relief for the rest of the crew.
3:05pm Our boat cut thru the regatta race. People from the regatta were mad and start yelling “you crazy Mexicans, move away!” (This actually did not happened, but we needed to add some dramatic moments, it’s good for the journal)

3:23pm Arriving to Gloucester!
3:45pm Carlo served Italian Coppa and Lambrusco – God Bless you, Carlo!
4:30pm Left the boat and met some nice people from Gloucester. Discovered that all stores and coffee places are closing at 6pm! On Saturday! In the middle of the summer!
6:10pm Found one coffee place in Pleasant Street. What a pleasant surprise!

In the meantime, Italy won World Championship in Water polo, by beating Serbia 8:7. Oh, well…

2 Responses

  1. Dejan & Dragana scrive:

    Guys, thanks again for the ride. We had a great, great time! Everything was more than “dobro”! Looking forward to see you soon

    Dragana & Dejan

  2. Beth scrive:

    Ciao Carlo e Silvia!

    It was fun to meet you today and hear about your amazing journey; hope to see you tonight at the Cindy Bullens & Gypsy Tailwind concert I hope too that you can enjoy some sunny weather around our beautiful island of North Haven (though the foggy days are wonderful too)…

    I migliori auguri,
    Beth Lamont

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